Movie poster art collection

movie Poster Art

Alway judge a movie by it's cover...

I love the movies and the artwork of the  posters. 

So, dive with me into the deep ocean of movie posters, find nice and shiny pearls or some disturbing pieces of so-called artwork.

And - of course - a great looking movie poster will not always fulfil the promises it made. Some are just eye-catchers to show you the way to the next box office led by your basic instincts...

On the other hand, there are these tremendous artworks that keep their promises.

If I say - JAWS - you will immediately have the poster on your mind, even if someone is just telling you something about the movie...

But enough said, let's have a look! I wish you a lot of fun! 

Sascha Schwill


All posters are from public sources and of course all published materials are copyright © by their respective authors/publishers!

movie poster classics

A Christmas Carol 1938 - selected by Sascha Schwill

modern movie posters

A Christmas Carol 2009 - selected by Sascha Schwill
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